Seasonal Wholesale Accessories

What's Your Bag???

by Dawn Norman September 12, 2017

What's Your Bag???

Out of the Bag Products

It is important to know what your competition is selling and think outside the box, or bag if you will, on what "you" want to offer your customer...

Hold a brainstorm session with your team members to gain additional product ideas your customers just may be craving...also ask your customers.

A recent testimonial from one of our customers demonstrates this well.

"WRA Winter Seasonal Products saved my business; we were the only store in the area offering such items. Boutique Retailer, Brentwood, CA"

In this retailer,s case, they never offered winter products before. And, our low-no-minimums allowed them to experiment at first and then move into a total winter product set.

Product Challenge: Shop you competitors with your customer's mind set. Then shop your store with the same mind set...any new ideas??? I bet!!!

Dawn Norman
Dawn Norman
